April 2020 

Coronavirus measures - All services and meetings on this diary are suspended until further notice.

 1st 9.30am Infant Easter Service

9.30am Holy Communion (1662) (Tansley)

11.00am Marriage Vows renewal

1.00pm Wednesday at One (Lady Chapel)

2nd 9.30am Junior Easter Service

2.00pm Longmeadow Services

7.30pm Choir Practice (Lady Chapel)

4th 3.00pm Chat-a-Cake (Hall)


5th 8.00am Holy Communion [Palm Sunday]

10.00am Prayer Time (Lady Chapel)

10.45am Family Communion & Palm Procession

2.30pm Holy Baptism

6.00pm Choral Evensong

8th 9.30am Holy Communion (1662) (Tansley)

1.00pm Wednesday at One (Lady Chapel)

9th 5.00pm United Maundy Service (MMURC)

10th 10.00am Hot Cross Bun Service [Good Friday]

12noon United Act of Witness (Park Head)

2.00pm Hour at the Cross

11th 8.00pm Easter Vigil & Communion

12th 8.00am Holy Communion [Easter Sunday]

10.00am Prayer Time (Lady Chapel)-

10.45am Family Communion

3.00pm Easter Celebration (Hall)

15th 9.30am Morning Prayer (Tansley)

1.00pm Wednesday at One (Lady Chapel)

19th 8.00am Holy Communion (1662) [Easter 2]

10.00am Prayer Time (Lady Chapel)

10.45am Family Service

22nd 9.30am Holy Communion (1662) (Tansley)

11.00am Lilybank Service

1.00pm Wednesday at One (Lady Chapel)

2.00pm Valley Lodge Service

26th 8.00am Holy Communion [Easter 3]

10.00am Prayer Time (Lady Chapel)

10.45am Family Communion

6.30pm Evensong

27th 9.15am USPG Sponsored Walk

29th 9.30am Holy Communion (1662) (Tansley)

1.00pm Wednesday at One (Lady Chapel)

7.00pm APCM (Church)






15.2.2020 Mason Helliwell








17.2.2020 John Ford (49)

12.3.2020 Nancy Bolton (95)


Dear Friends,


A very Happy Easter to you all. Alleluia! Christ is risen!

In her farewell letter to the Diocese in Together magazine Bishop Jan referred to one of the most moving moments in the whole Easter story. Mary had gone to the tomb to anoint the body of her crucified master and friend. There to her surprise she found the stone rolled back and the tomb empty. Having fetched two of the disciples to check things out, Mary meets a stranger whom she assumes is the gardener. It’s when the stranger says her name, “Mary”, that she realises who it is standing before her. Jesus, risen from the dead – crucified master but now glorified, and the marks of the passion transformed, not erased.


It's a wonderful, exciting, shocking encounter. Totally unexpected. Totally overwhelming. I always think that in John’s account when Jesus says, “Do not hold on to me”, it’s more a case of “Give me some space. Let me breathe!” Death has been overturned and the promise of eternal life opened up to all who believe and follow.


The story of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace was situated in a garden. Here in another garden the fall is reversed and Mary is named by the incarnate Lord; a new creation, a new start has begun. My favourite psalm is Psalm 139 in which it proclaims that God knows us and our very being from before our birth. There is nowhere that we can go that is beyond the reach of God; the One who calls us by name and loves us in our uniqueness and longs for us to freely turn towards the Lord in love.


Easter is a story of new beginnings but also of hope and the power of Divine love and grace. No matter how bad the outbreak of coronavirus may have got by the time you read this, it does not alter the truth that God loves us and calls us by name. Whatever may be occurring the world over, we can trust that God has not abandoned us, but draws alongside us in love. We live in a freely evolving creation that throws up challenges in our path from time to time, but we are called to trust in the faithfulness of the Risen One and to pray.


Alleluia! Christ is risen!

Every blessing








Protocols and practice guidance for the Church of England’s Past Cases Review 2, (PCR2) have been published and are on the National Church of England Website. churchofengland.org/safeguarding/promoting-safer-church/safeguarding-news-statements/past-cases-review-2 Individual survivors who wish to make representations to the PCR2 process in the Diocese or who need to come forward with information or make any disclosures regarding church related abuse are encouraged to make direct contact with the Safeguarding Team 01332 388678 or the dedicated national helpline - 0800 80 20 20 - operated independently from the church, by the NSPCC.


Coronavirus - The threat posed by COVID-19 has been assessed by the Chief Medical Officer as ‘moderate’. The house of Bishops have therefore advised all Anglican churches that they should refrain from sharing the chalice and from sharing the peace though physical contact. The suggestion is also that people receive the bread standing, forming a line before the altar (as there is also a risk of spreading the virus via resting hands on the altar rail). We hope you’ll understand the importance of observing these simple precautions.




Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy.
Sustain and support the anxious,
be with those who care for the sick,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may find comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen